But... today, I think just one picture can sum up the list of things that made me smile this week...
Not exactly the most flattering picture of me, but the jar I'm holding is the reason I'm so delighted... I got my very own 1.89 L jar of dill pickles! (It barely fits in my fridge-although that doesn't say much) One of my friends went to Costco in Fukuoka this past week and she asked me if there was anything I would like to buy... dill pickles was #1 on my list! I am absolutely tickled pink! I loved the smell when I opened the jar and I couldn't wait to eat one! I don't think I realized how much I love dill pickles until I got this jar! I've had them a few times since I got here, but now having my very own jar is wonderful :) Now if only I had some dill pickle chips....
you are too funny. i would have liked to be a fly on the wall to see you take that picture with the pickles!
Oh Hill, you make me smile!
I am definitely into my pregnancy as I headed right for the dill pickles when I was the grocery store the other day. My favorite is harvarti cheese, garlic sausage, crackers and pickles. Mmmm-just typing it makes me wants some....maybe I will have to call Stephen to do a run :)
hahaha thanks, Bobby! I'm sure you would have been quite entertained had you been a fly on the wall... It took several attempts to get what I wanted...I was actually laughing at myself a lot!
Glad I can make you smile Cher :) You make me smile too! I'm so excited you're having a baby!! I hope I get to see your baby bump when I come back because you are super cute when you're pregnant! When is your exact day? You're due in January right?
I like the sounds of your cravings! I am certainly not pregnant but I'd have a little feast with you if we were in the same country! Did you have any weird cravings with Linc?
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