This is kind of a random blog, but it's what I was thinking about today...
Today I was reminded of what a blessing that friends are. I got to talk to a friend from Junior High/High School for an hour and 45 minutes on Skype today and I loved every second of it! She is one of those friends that you can go for weeks or months without talking to, but pick up right where you left off when you do get a chance to catch up again. I love how we can get totally girlie when we talk, but in the same conversation we can get so serious we come close to tears! I was laughing so hard today that I'm sure my neighbours think I'm a nut! Dayna, I just love you so much! thanks God, for giving me Dayna!
Then this evening I had my neighbour and her friend over for dinner and games and it made me realize how much fun it is getting to know new friends! These girls stayed for about 3 1/2 hours and it was really great! We even made some plans for a day trip in October! It is certainly a blessing to be able to say I am making friends here!
God has certainly blessed me with many wonderful friends all over the world in my 23 years of life and I'm grateful for each one of them! I've known it before, but today reminded me what a wonderful gift friends can be... both new and old! thank you God, for each friend who has invested in my life over the years. thank you for creating humans to need each other!
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