For some reason, as we were talking about the weekend, someone asked me if I had a 'man' in my life, particularly a Japanese man. I said no, and they sort of chuckled saying that maybe there were only 'older men' around for me.
Then one of them suddenly suggested something about a foreign man... and that led to one of the ladies saying with quite a grin on her face... "What about Bobby sensei?? He cooks, he cleans, he's a good gardener, and he's very smart. What about Bobby sensei?!"
Oh boy... I've gotten myself into a pickle! They seemed to be oblivious that Bobby was in the next room (separated only by a thin curtain!) and they kept asking about what I thought about him.
We haven't really told any Japanese people about us yet so I really wasn't sure how to handle this one. I laughed nervously and joked "ok, let's look at page 60 now!" I didn't exactly want my students to be among the first to know so I didn't tell them we are dating, and I think they were satisfied with their conclusion that when I go back to Canada, I'll be too busy studying to have a boyfriend!
I do have to agree with the student who was trying to 'sell' Bobby to me... he is a very special man of God and I am certainly a very blessed girl! Today we finally remembered to take a picture together and although I would normally think this would be a little cheezy, I wanted to post it because it makes me smile :)
PS- I'm still looking for responses to my "llama" pronounciation poll! I've only gotten one so far!
i say law-ma....
cute picture!
That Bobby-sensei sounds like a pretty good guy. You should go for it.
law-ma? That's different...
Yes, perhaps I should. I hear he's pretty humble too!
what do you mean that's different... isn't that how you say it too?
I just found out that one of my Cross Training classmates just had this very same discussion with her American teammates and she says it the same as me, but they say it the same as you! It must be a Canadian/American thing...except that sister of mine. she's always been a little different than the rest of us... Maybe the McDonald's adoption story is true, Lissa! (Just teasing... you know I love you!)
there's no w in my llama...
boy, all this commenting is keeping me busy tonight!
:P don't you say it the same way you say "law"??
Isn't it fun though?! I'm glad I get e-mail notifications because I certainly can't keep up with you and Colby without them!
oh hillary! your silly. :P
you and your bf are cuties! hahah
yay, i'm a cutie! :)
of course you are :)
way to boost his ego Janie! :P
Its about time you put up a pic of you 2! So cute together!
aww thanks, cher :) I have to say that being told you're cute just doesn't get old!
sorry to apparently have kept you waiting for this picture! this is our first one and I promise I posted it the day we took it!
Aw that's so funny. I'm happy for you, Hillary :) Hope you're doing well!
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Thats so funny. Wish I could have been there to see you blush. Hehe.
And I like the pic! :)
love you OTNS!
yeah, I'm sure you would have loved that! :P
thanks :)
love you OTNS too! (I forgot to tell you that when I was sending your e-mail earlier, I accidently typed it the right way and had to change it to otns!)
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