-dad asking how come he didn't 'make the list' last week (but really he did!)
-2 girls pushing each other in a wheelbarrow
-being tickled by a 60 year old lady while I was trying to carefully pour communion juice into the cups
-new candles/candle holders from the 100 yen store :)
-daddy reading me a cute story over skype :)
-compliments on my white skin... that never happens in Canada!!
-reciting memory verses with Teresa
-waking up cold instead of sweating... and using a blanket for the first time in months! snuggling up in a hoodie certainly made me smile too! (it's not really that cold, but I love any excuse to put on a hoodie!)
-one of my lower level students saying "Hey Bobby!" in a very casual tone when he walked into the room... for the record, I did not teach her that!
-a cute little boy so sound asleep on his dad's shoulder that there's a puddle of drool on his shirt
-dad quizzing me from a Japanese phrase book he just got
-a student thinking out loud in Japanese while writing a paragraph in English
-finding a birthday present for my Momma :)
-waking up from the best 20 minute nap ever! (I slept so soundly that and I thought for sure I had overslept and was late for class...and there was a huge puddle of drool on my pillow!)
-finding out I get to be the featured listener this week on the House FM! (and getting a free CD!)
-having a very sweet little old lady sit down beside me and explain to me (in Japanese) why she was late for church... meanwhile I didn't have a clue what she was saying and I had to hold in my giggles because I knew I looked clueless! (and it didn't help that I could hear Teresa chuckling in the seat behind me!)
-a weather report that says "now: 26, feels like: 26!" :) ... can you tell I'm "done" with summer already and looking forward to fall?!
-watching a lady "load" her walkman while waiting for the train... that's right, I said walkman, as in cassette tapes!
-the fact that my Thursday night class was completely different than last week... it was the biggest test of my patience yet with 2 very beginner beginners! (yes, I wrote that twice on purpose!) When Bobby came in to start the Bible time, he asked them something like "The weather was very nice today, wasn't it?" (said very slowly and clearly) and I wish I had a camera to capture the blank look on both of their faces because it was priceless! It made me feel like such a good teacher! : P (It does make me feel better that they didn't understand the question when he asked it in Japanese either!)
But, I really can't complain... I had my Japanese lesson earlier that day and I am sure that my teacher feels the same way about me! (one of my students actually said the same words to me that I say that I say to my teacher every week- "I'm sorry, I'm so slow!" so it made me realize once again just how patient my teacher is with me!)
-Momma telling me I'll "always be her little twerp!"
-teaching my Saturday morning kids class 'emotions' and seeing the funny faces they come up with when I ask them to make sad/tired/happy/angry/scared/sick faces. (and hearing them giggle at each other)
-The newest addition to my door (see below)... courtesy of a thoughtful teammate :)
-understanding a 3 year old girl when she told me (in Japanese) she was going to eat a hamburger with her family that night!
-the image of Dave and Ed together in Heaven now, walking around with Jesus with no need for wheelchairs
-flowers... and the smiles that appear when you give them to someone else :)
I think that's all I can remember... although as usual I'm sure there was more! You know the drill... let me know what made you smile this week too!
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