Turns out that dealing with the top shelf is not a good idea for the queen of clumsiness... I was slowly taking everything off the top shelf (which is where I have been placing things that I don't know what to do with over the last 7 months)...
The bag contained 5 very pretty small plates and sadly, only 2 of 5 survived :( I am such a klutz!
I've always been clumsy... just ask my family! Unfortunately, I don't think that will ever change!
Just a few weeks after arriving in Japan, I had already made quite a few clumsy mistakes. (such as sending several ice cubes flying all over the floor while trying to get them out of the tray, near tripping experiences, clanging glasses and plates together... and many other things....) One evening while eating dinner with my teammates, I almost knocked over the jug of water as I reached for some bread or something.
Bobby, who has witnessed the majority of these clumsy stunts, looked at me and said "Hillary, are you a clumsy person?" Dorothy (another teammate) was absolutely shocked that Bobby had just asked me that so she looked at him and says "Of course she's not!!"
Oh, Dorothy... if only you knew! She's so sweet always thinking the best of others, but unfortunately she was wrong this time! I am probably one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet!!
Anyway, I realize this is another random blog, but I figured it would make my friends and family smile and think "ah, that's our Hillary, the queen of clumsiness!"
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