Happy Birthday Lissa!! I just wanted to let you (and the world!) know how much I love you and how thankful I am that you were born 27 years ago today!
Thanks for being such an amazing big sister! You are a wonderful example to me and I really appreciate how you're always there when I need advice! You are a good role model for me as you are an excellent Godly wife and you desire to please God in all areas of your life.
Even though we weren't the best of friends growing up, I have always had an admiration for you. One of my most vivid childhood memories is standing at the top of the hill that we lived on, watching you walk to school after lunch and waiting until I couldn't see you anymore... then I had to go in and have a nap! I was always sad to see you go because I loved having you around!

As we got older, and we got less and less "cool" for each other, I still admired you. I always wanted to hang out with your friends and I was so excited when you got your license... and your first boyfriend! I remember spying on you! (as I'm sure you do too since I think you caught me once or twice!)
I think that our relationship started changing when we were finally in High School together... you were in Grade 12 and I was in Grade 9. Usually, Grade 12's just looked down on Grade 9's and never associated with them, but you really made an effort to make me and my friends feel welcome in your school. I will always appreciate how you wrote me so many Care Cards just to wish me a good day, and how you let me sit with you and your friends in chapel... sometimes! :P I think we even went on a few "sister dates" didn't we? :)
After High School, I was both excited and really sad when I found out you were getting married and moving out. Even though you were just one block away, I really, really missed you when you moved out! I remember being so sad when I looked at our cup of 3 toothbrushes instead of the usual 4.
But, I think that again, this big change for you brought a change in our relationship... for the better! Not having you around every day made me appreciate you even more and it made us closer at heart. Over the last 7 years we've been through many ups and downs but thankfully, we're still on good terms, and we still love each other like crazy! We've been physically far apart for a good chunk of those 7 years, but you've always been so good at reminding me how much you love me and our visits together have been extra special.
I think we're at the most "fun" stage of our relationship... we have so much to relate to each other about, and it's been a real blessing to have you share the joys (and sorrows) of the last couple of years with me. I feel so blessed to have gotten something that so many people never get... a big sister! There's something special about the relationship between sisters and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
I love you so much Lissa and I'm so proud to be your little sister! I hope your day is extra special... just like you!
well that was just the sweetest little post i've ever read! thanks for doing that. you have a gift for writing and really know how to make people feel very special!
love you, Little One!
Hillary, you are just amazing with your little birthday tributes. You are so sweet... your family is blessed to have you. And me too. I can't wait until I have a birthday and get a little tribute, too! :)
thank you both :) You guys are my most faithful commenters and I love it!
Melissa: you're so welcome... it came from my heart and you deserve it! (especially considering I didn't send you a card or a present!)
Bobby: I'm looking forward to writing you a little tribute too... I've got 6 months to work on it :) I could have done one this year, but that might have spoiled my efforts to keep my feelings hidden until you said something!! :P
also, what kind of parents let their child where a snow suit that has purple, turquoise, AND orange in it?!?
just teasing Mom and Dad. i actually remember loving that suit! :)
You mean it goes all the way back to July? Wow, you are more serious about this than I realized! ;)
:P what cracks me up about this picture is your boots!
You can obviously tell that this is a Nova Scotia winter since we're wearing 'splash pants' instead of ski pants and I don't have any mittens on!
Yes Bobby, I think I could say it goes back to July... maybe not quite as strong, but I'm sure if you asked my parents, they'd be able to tell you when all the "funny Bobby stories" started coming! :P How's that for patience?! I honestly can't believe you didn't catch on sooner since I'm not very good at hiding my feelings!
ahhh, yes, the boots too. weren't those Mom's boots?!?
at first I thought you were crazy when I read that, but now that I think about it, you might be right!
by the way, nice grammar error up there Lissa! :P
ooopsy.... where wear? what's the diff?
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