I have a lot of friends like that, but today one in particular is making my heart ache!
I think I've written about her on here before, but in Japan, I have this SUPER amazing friend named Yumi... We met through our co-workers and she came to my English class. She helped me with my ethnography for CrossTraining and just ended up being a really close friend. She taught me so much and we had so much fun together.
I just got an e-mail from her (it's 3am in Japan!) and it made me miss her so much I go tears in my eyes! She is so full of life and energy and always smiling. I love being with her. Unfortunately she isn't a Christian yet and she really needs the Lord. She's come close to believing more than once, but her ties to Buddhism and family obligations are so strong she won't let go of that part of her life. Please pray for her!!
She made me laugh in her e-mail because she said recently she's been thinking of me because when she makes lunch, she's been burning things... she said she's become like me! :P
Today although it aches, thinking of her also brings me great joy because we will get to see her soon!! That's right, we're heading back to Japan... THIS MONTH! About 2 weeks ago, the idea of going to help out with relief work came to Bobby's mind and we've been praying about it since. At this point, we've been invited to come to Japan to work with an organization called CRASH. We still need to book tickets, but it looks like we'll be heading out around the 22nd and stay for about a month, and then spend a few days with our teammates and the church body in Yamaguchi before heading back home. We're so excited that God is allowing us to do this! There's still a lot of unknowns at this point... we don't know where we'll be working or what exactly we'll be doing and probably won't know until just before we leave, but we're ok with that! We are sort of in shock that this is happening!
Anyway, I'm supposed to be working on a paper right now as my time is ticking away to finish my courses so I need to get going! Thanks for praying for us!!
Keep safe on your trip, next week this time you will be with your friend and helping others. I'm sure your very excited and the work you do will be so rewarding. We will keep you in our minds and prayers, The Peters Clan
Thanks, Christine! We're getting really excited :) Things have been so busy it's hard to believe we'll be there in just a few days!!
Your prayers are GREATLY appreciated!
Have a great summer :)
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