I love popsicles! I thought I loved any and every kind of popsicle, but apparently I was wrong about that...
Today I came to the conclusion that there are some popsicles that I just can't love! On Thursday mornings, I "teach" a very casual English class in a nearby city and after class we eat lunch together. Today after lunch, we ate popsicles! But... much to my disappointment, they were red bean/orange/pineapple popsicles! Let's just say that no matter how much I love popsicles, I will never love these ones! The pineapples and oranges were really chunky but tolerable. The beans however.... well, they just don't belong in a popsicle in my opinion!! These red beans are apparently classified as 'sweet' here, but I just don't like beans... and I certainly don't like them in my popsicles!
Oh well... now I know to stay away from them! I am glad that someone else had bought them and it wasn't something I had spent money on only to find I didn't like them at all!
Here's a picture of one that was kind of like the one I ate... What do you think?

Yesterday I went to the store to go umbrella shopping and I found an umbrella that I really liked! But... it was on display up high, opened and hanging on a hook. No matter how far I stretched, I just couldn't manage to get it off the hook... and there was no one around to ask for help! (Not that I'd be able to clearly ask for help even if there was someone to ask!) All the other ones just weren't good enough for me after comparing them to the perfect pink and polka dotted one on display above them! Sigh... I guess I'll just have to wait on that one. Maybe it was God's way of reminding me I don't really need to spend money on an umbrella since rainy season is pretty much over!
Last night turned out to be a beautiful evening! I actually made time to go watch the sunset and boy am I glad I did! It was gorgeous! Here's some of the pictures I took...
The first one was with normal settings and the second one was with the 'sunset' setting on my camera. I can't decide which one I like better!
I love sunsets... what a beautiful and perfect gift from God :) Isn't our God amazing?!
Hey Pillary,
That popsicle is the grosest thing I have ever ever seen! Add those things to the list of things I've forbidden you to eat in Japan.
Eric says:
Use the sunset settings on your camera for sunsets FROM NOW ON! Notice how much more detail you get in the dark areas? And the color is warmer and richer too!
We love you Hillary! It was great to talk to you tonight! We'll have to chat again soon!
Love you,
Ashley & Eric
hahaha Ashley, you are so funny! You always make me laugh! I love that red bean popsicles are on the list with jellyfish! how come I'm not allowed to eat jellyfish but your husband is allowed to eat sushi with eel in it??!!
Thanks for the advice Eric! I am definitely going to use it from now on :) Not bad for a $50 camera! I can't wait to get some more photography tips from you once you start school!!
I was so good to with you guys too... I'm so glad you have skype now! We need to do that more often!
I love you guys too!
PS Ash do you still use your blog? I lost the address so if you do, can you send me the link?
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