Anyway, both Bobby and I LOVE snow so we've really enjoyed the last week! It's so beautiful! (Of course not so fun to drive in, but we've been able to stay at home all week and just enjoy watching it fall.) We both bought new winter boots last weekend and the other day we went for a quick little walk (it was a bit colder than we thought!) and took a few pictures... (yes, we do take a lot of self portraits!)
In my world, it's officially time to celebrate winter... and Christmas! I've been listening to Christmas music for the last couple of days now and I love it! Nothing better than curling up with a blanket and a hot drink and listening to Christmas music and watching the snow fall!
We haven't decorated for Christmas yet though since we're starting from scratch and can't really go too crazy since we have to either store everything or take it with us to Japan (most likely storing it since we already have Christmas stuff in Japan... including a HUGE tree we bought from one of our co-workers... can't wait to set that one up!) Anyway, we're going to go tree shopping at the thrift stores around here sometime soon and see what we can find so soon our home will look like Christmas too!
Hope you're enjoying your winter!