Oh dear, my poor loyal blog readers! Blogging has fallen pretty far down on the priority list these days! So much to do, so little time to do it all :) (Facebook is so much less effort to update than a blog... I apologize to my readers without Facebook!)
We're finally settled and our home feels like home now. We're all decorated for Christmas! Unfortunately since I've neglected to take pictures for a virtual tour, this will have to suffice! :)
Our entrance display |
out beautiful nativity wall hanging a supporter made for us |
going up the stairs (our entrance is on the 1st floor but everything else is on the 2nd floor) |
our dining room (the view from the top of the stairs) |
our Willow Tree nativity and my snowman advent calendar (Bobby bought this for me when we were dating) (toilet and the office are to the left) |
first time I've ever decorated my bathroom before! :) |
I've had the 2 bigger snowmen for about 20 years... When we lived in Nova Scotia, I had a Brownies (like Girl Scouts) assignment to write a letter or give a gift to a neighbor (or something like that) and the neighbors I chose were so thrilled I had done that, they gave me these snowmen and I've kept them all these years! the "astronaut snowman" was a cute little gift from one of my teammates... oh the fun things you find in Japan :) |
our little drink corner (the shower and sink and washing machine are behind that door) |
cute mat our teammate found for us at Costco |
our living room (the table has a heater under it... best invention ever!) |
our card string waiting for cards to hang on it... we have 3 now! |
If I can't have real snow, I have to put snowflakes on the window! |
our tree in the light |
and in the dark... nothing like sitting in a room lit by the Christmas tree and candles! |
We're keeping plenty busy these days... I'm plugging away with language study and Bobby's been working on sermons and leading prayer meetings (to name just a few of his tasks!). Christmas is the busiest time here, but it's a blessing that the Lord uses this season to draw Japanese people to Himself.
Last weekend we went to Miyazaki to visit the church Bobby did a 6 month internship in 5 years ago. We had a blast and it was so wonderful to see just how loved he is! They even remembered how much he loves Pizza Hut and bought him one... which is really expensive here! It was my first time there so they had a special lunch for us (and made us sit up front like a head table) and did a little interview time after we ate. We felt like newlyweds again! :) (By the way, 2 1/2 years later we're still getting wedding gifts!!)
I have lots of pictures to post from the last couple months, but they're still waiting to be uploaded so it'll have to wait for now!
I guess that's all for now... I need to get back to studying! Thanks for my loyal readers for hanging in there! :)
By the way, it took me all the way to the end of this post to realize I need to update my look too since this is a Christmas post!!