We had a good Christmas! Some parts were more eventful than others, but I won't go into details about the events because it's not really something I want to share with the world ;) We enjoyed a quiet Christmas morning (I slept like a little kid on Christmas eve, waking up nearly every hour!) We were able to join the Badens for Christmas via Skype which was so fun! We are getting really excited to see everyone again. (more details on that soon!) Then we opened our gifts to each other and headed downstairs to watch Mom and Dad open their gifts/stockings. Mom made a fantastic turkey dinner for us which we really enjoyed! I still can't believe she went to all that trouble for just the 4 of us!
Then the day before New Year's Eve we drove with Mom and Dad to Regina to have our second Christmas with Melissa and Brad and Kirsten! We had a really good time with them and especially enjoyed playing with Kirsten. She's so fun... and funny! She has a sweet laugh and she's always making us smile. 7/8 months is a fun age :) As you can probably tell by the picture, the highlight of my trip was getting to cuddle and hold Kirsten while we opened gifts "Christmas morning". We got her that book for Christmas and Melissa tells us Kirsten "talks to" all the kids/babies in the book!
Anyway, in my opinion, Kirsten is SUPER cute and I'm a pretty proud auntie!
I'm all finished work at Siloam now so I'm back to my "normal" routine (reading, cleaning, reading, going to the gym, reading, etc...) I had my weigh-in the other day and I've lost 10 lbs since I started Curves. I guess that's encouraging... but I'm discouraged that I don't feel/see any difference at all. (Unless maybe all my clothes have always been too tight and now they're just right or something?!) Obviously I'll keep going for as long as we're here because I know it's good for me to be active. Even though I always struggle to find the motivation to get out the door, I will miss not going. It's been fun to get to know some of the ladies there and build community with them. Everyone's SO friendly there. Actually, at the Christmas service at the Japanese church, I ended up running into one of the ladies who goes to my Curves! Apparently her and her husband have had a connection there for a long time but only visit occasionally. Small world!
So, our big news these days is that I've got a green card interview in Montreal on Feb 6th! We actually have to be there for 8 days because I have to get a medical done (there's only 3 qualified doctors in all of Canada and one is in Montreal so we have to get it done there) before the interview and they need to have 3 business days to process the lab work. We leave on the 30th and come back on Feb 7th. We are looking forward to a relaxing little break and making the most of this trip. If anyone has any recommendations of what we should do, feel free to comment!
That's pretty much all for now. Sorry I don't have more Christmas pictures, but I haven't uploaded them to my computer yet.
Thanks for keeping up with me even though I'm a terrible blogger! Have a great week! :)