Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So long, 2019

I stink at blogging consistently. So much for keeping up my blog in 2019!! I think this is my 3rd post this year, on the last day of the year! I had such good intentions of blogging more frequently, but alas I failed! I didn’t even post about the birth of our third son!! (Though I have plenty of records for him in other places so he’s not the stereotypical 3rd born with far less memory recordings than his older siblings!) 

It’s been a pretty good year for us, with much to be thankful for! The highlight was obviously the growth of our family, adding our sweet little Elijah! He is an incredibly easy, content, happy baby and we are so blessed to have him! He brings us so much joy and happiness and helps me keep my head on straight when I’m about to lose it with his brothers! Let me tell you, parenting is not for the faint of heart...but boy it’s amazing! So many highs and lows...an incredibly sanctifying journey!!

Bobby and I are currently watching the Japanese version of Ninja Warrior and might make it to midnight! Just thought I should close off the year with one last post. Here’s to more blogging in 2020! 😉

Happy New Year!

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