Sunday, September 20, 2009

I heart Downhere...

Today I was reminded just how much I LOVE this song by Downhere... I felt the need to share it because it's that good!
If you don't know who Downhere is, they started up at the Bible College I grew up at and now they're pretty famous, living in Nashville I think. I just love them and I like almost all of their songs, but I think this one is my favorite! let me know what you think of it! :)


Bobby said...

This is a good song... but did they write it? Isn't it a remake of someone else's song??
I'm three years removed from current music :( Perhaps I need to listen to the radio on the internet more, like I usd to do...

Hillary said...

Well I can't say 100% confidently that they wrote it but I think they did. It's an older song so maybe you've just heard it by them from a while ago? You're not that out of touch with Christian music... I've heard fairly new stuff on your mp3 player! You should listen to the House :)

Bobby said...

Actually, I bookmarked the House this week, but I aven't listend to it yet... I should have listened for your name... I did see your profile on there though!

Hillary said...

excellent! I'm sure you'll like it. they've also got a sister station that I sometimes listen to... it plays more praise and worship music and it's really good too.
I was so excited about having my Mom hear my name on radio all week (she listens to it at work) but she missed it every time and she didn't even hear it once! I got to hear it though!

Stacey said...

Love Downhere too! I got to know them when I was in high school and they came to play at my church. Jeremy stayed at out house for night, which made for some great chats :) Him being a Menno and all!

Hillary said...

Hi Stacey! Even though we've been at a lot of the same weddings and graduations, I think it's kind of funny that I don't think we've ever officially met before! it makes me feel like a bit of a stalker to admit that I read your blog...Congratulations by the way!
That's super cool that you had Jeremy stay with you! they are a great family! I went to High School with his brother and sister.
What's your favorite Downhere song?

Lyss said...

I much, much 'heart' Downhere in general, this song specifically. Thanks for the reminder! ;-)