Oh brother...it's almost halfway through 2018 and this is my first blog post! So much for goals! Guess that gives you a good glimpse as to how I feel about setting goals!
Where to even begin?? That's what happens when you neglect your blog for so long!
Life is on the crazy busy side these days...Joshua has entered our local preschool and our co-workers are on furlough until October so our plates are certainly full. Not my favorite season to be in, but unfortunately it's just what life looks like for us in the career/life stage that we're in!
Joshua is handling preschool like a champ! He is picking up Japanese super fast and doesn't appear to be frustrated at all that he can't communicate as well as he can in English. Nearly every day he'll say something in Japanese to us or while he's playing at home and he'll ask "what does that mean?" I am amazed at his resiliency...a definite answer to my anxious prayers! His teachers are so gracious and try so hard to say things in their broken English and I guess it's working for them because there haven't been any real issues so far. I'm so thankful for that. I can't say enough how proud of Joshua I am!
There are only 14 kids in his class so that has been really helpful in getting to know the other families. I have found the moms to be very friendly and super helpful...and there really isn't any exclusiveness or cliques like I imagined there would be. (not to my knowledge anyway!) We've had 2 families over for a meal and 4 moms came to a recent card-making outreach where I shared my testimony.
Noah is growing and maturing so quickly! He is a little parrot and talks ALL THE TIME! (both English and Japanese!) He makes me laugh so much and he is (usually) a real joy to be around. He's recently been struggling with what I assume are typical 2 year old struggles...lacking communication skills when he wants something done in a particular way and getting frustrated when he can't do things himself. He is constantly amazing me with his independence...it feels like every day he's learning how to do something by himself. (like climbing out of his bed, into his high chair, buckling himself in, etc) Just the other day I discovered he can count to 10 all by himself! He has much more of a desire to do things by himself than Joshua did (or does, I should say!) and he loves to copy his big brother, good or bad! He plays by himself so well and it's been really helpful to be able to get lots of things done in the mornings while Joshua is at school.
I'm enjoying watching both of them grow so much, but boy it's exhausting!! It's only by God's grace that I make it to the end of each day!
Though I'm sure there's MUCH more that could be said here, I think I'll close for now. I recently joined a book website that offers free digital books in exchange for reviews so I apologize in advance for the abundance of book review blog posts...it's totally worth it in my opinion! Most of the ones I will post at first will be children's books because I haven't had as much time as I'd like to finish any of the "adult books" (no, not that kind of adult books...I mean Christian living/parenting books for grown ups!) but eventually you'll see some of those too! If you love reading and free books, be sure to check out a website called